From Liberalism to Illiberalism: Orban’s Political Transformation and Right Populist Strategies in the COVID-19 Pandemic

From Liberalism to Illiberalism: Orban’s Political Transformation and Right Populist Strategies in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Burak İyiekici


This study examines how the policies pursued by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and his party Fidesz during the COVID-19 pandemic overlapped with a right-wing populist ideology and how the pandemic was used as an opportunity for illiberal democracy building, based on its ideological transformations since the 1990s. The study examines Fidesz from its foundation in 1988 to its ideological transformation in the post-2010 period and discusses the intersections of Orbán’s right-wing populist strategies with his governance during the pandemic. The main argument of the study is that Fidesz and Orbán saw COVID-19 as a historic opportunity to deepen their right-wing populist policies. In this context, the study focuses on the policy set put forward by Orbán, who showed increasing his political and administrative power as a “imperative” direction for the survival of the country during the COVID-19 pandemic, to reinforce his right-wing populist ideology during the pandemic. The aim of the study is to evaluate the COVID-19 crisis within the framework of the Orbán government’s right-wing populist orientations and illiberal understanding of democracy and to show how this process strengthened the repressive tendencies of the Hungarian Government.

Keywords: Orban, Fidesz, Popülizm, İlliberal Demokrasi, COVID-19

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