A. Instruction for Authors
1. The languages of publication are Turkish and English. If necessary, editing and proofreading of papers submitted to the journal are carried out by the Associate Editors and the Editorial Board. The most recent edition of the Turkish Language Association's spelling guide is used as the standard for language, punctuation, and abbreviations. Submitted texts must be clear, understandable, and adhere to scientific standards in terms of language and expression. The Spelling Guide and Turkish Dictionary are available at http://www.tdk.gov.tr
2. Submitted texts must not exceed 20 pages, including the abstract and references.
3.The text must include an abstract of no more than 250 words in both Turkish and English, along with the paper's title in both languages and five keywords in Turkish and English. For articles written in Turkish, a 500-600 word "Extended Abstract" should be included at the end.
4.The author's name should be centered, in bold italics, with a font size of 10. The author's title, affiliation, and email address should be indicated in a footnote with an asterisk (*) in font size 8. Footnotes for additional explanations must be numbered and provided both within the text and at the bottom of the page.
5.The text must be in Times New Roman, font size 10, with single line spacing. Footnotes should be in font size 8 with single line spacing.
6.Articles that do not adhere to the above requirements will not be considered for publication.
B. Page Layout
1 Indentation must be, for the first line, 1, 25; spacing before must be 3 pt, after must be 3 pt, justified, and line spacing must be 1.
2. Page layout must be normal, page setup must be 5 cm from top, 5,5 cm from bottom, 4,5 cm from left, 4,5 cm from right, gutter 0, header 1.25 cm, footer 4,5 cm.
3. Sub-headings must be within three characters from the preceding heading.
4. Page numbers must be placed bottom right.
5. Following the first page, name of author must be provided on even numbered pages, and name of paper must be provided on odd numbered pages in 9 type size as headers.
C. Citations in Footnotes
- Book, Single Author:
Hale Şıvgın, Trablusgarp Savaşı ve 1911-1912 Türk İtalyan İlişkileri, Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi publishing, 2. Press, Ankara 2006, p.100.
- Book, Two Authors:
Bonyar Waylet-Ernest Jackh, İmparatorluk Stratejileri ve Ortadoğu (trans. Vedat Atilla), Chiviyazıları Publishing 2. Press, İstanbul 2004, p. 100.
- Book, More Than Three Authors:
Marian Kent et. al., Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Sonu ve Büyük Güçler, Tarih Vakfı Yurt Publishing, 2. Press, İstanbul 1999, p. 100-102.
- Translated Books:
Bernard Lewis, Modern Türkiye’nin Doğuşu (trans. Metin Kıratlı) TTK yayını, 3. Press, Ankara 1991, p. 157.
- Books with More Than One Edition:
Ernest Edmondson Ramsaur, Jön Türkler ve 1908 İhtilali (trans. Nuran Yavuz), Pozitif Publishing, 5.Press, İstanbul 2007, p. 57.
- Books or Papers with Name of Author or Editor Non-Specified:
Tarihi Yaratan 1000 Büyük Adam, Milliyet Publising, İstanbul 1985, p.50.
- Citation to Second Resource
Ziya Kaya, title of the book, Ankara Onur Publishing, 1995, p. 24’den G. Fuller, “Eurasia in the World Politics”, Foreign Affairs, Volume 10, Number 3, June 2000, p. 44.
- Publications with More Than One Volume
Halil İnalcık, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Ekonomik ve Sosyal Tarihi (trans. Halil Berktay), V.1, Eren Publishing İstanbul 2000, p. 100.
- Paper in Compilation Books
Maria Todorova, “Balkanlardaki Osmanlı Mirası”, L.Carl Brown, compil., İmparatorluk Mirası: Balkanlar’da ve Ortadoğu’da Osmanlı Damgası (trans. Gül Çağalı Güven), İletişim Publishing, İstanbul 2003, p.85.
- Paper with Author Specified in Journals
Hale Şıvgın, “Arnavutlarda Milli Bilincin Gelişme Sürecinde Yaşanan Siyasi Olaylar”, Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Dergisi, Number:147, December 2003, p 132-136.
- Paper with Author Non-Specified in Journals
“Balkanlarda Türk Varlığı”, Toplumsal Tarih, X/7, May 1990, Ankara p. 8.
- Papers from Daily Newspapers
Bilgin Çelik, “Balkanlarda Arnavut Sorunu”, Cumhuriyet Strateji, 24 January 2005, p.16-18.
- Paper from Internet Journal
Hüseyin Ukuşlu, “Gebze’ de Kentleşme Süreci ve Sorunları“, Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları E-Dergisi, III/5, number:5, period: 2006, 10 August 2007, http://www.sbe.gazi.edu.tr/edergi/sosdergi.htm, s. 100-101.
- Report with Author Specified
Fatma Gök, Öğretmen Profili Araştırma Raporu, Eğitim Bilim ve Kültür Emekçileri Sendikası Publishing, Ankara 1999, p.25.
- Report with Author Non-Specified
Arnavutluk Ülke Raporu, TİKA Publishing Ankara 1995
Report Prepared by an Institution, Firm or Institute
Dış Politika Enstitüsü, Uluslararası İlişkilerle İlgili Anayasaya Konabilecek Hükümler, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Publishing Ankara 1990, p. 33.
“Arnavutluk”, Türk Ansiklopedisi, V.3, İstanbul 1971, pp.360-379
Dritan Egro, “Osmanlı Devletinin XIV-XVI Yüzyıllarındaki İslamiyet’in Arnavut Topraklarına Yayılması”, Unpublished Doctorate Thesis, İngilizce, Bilkent Ü. SBE., Ankara 2003.
- Web Pages of Public Institutions
T.C. Dışişleri Bakanlığı Resmi İnternet Sayfası, “Türkiye Ukrayna Anlaşması”, http://www.mfa.gov.tr/turkce/grouph/ikili/11.htm.
- Paper from Internet Journal
Hüseyin Ukuşlu, “Gebze’ de Kentleşme Süreci ve Sorunları“, Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları E-Dergisi, III/5, Number: 5, Period: 2006, 10 August 2007, http://www.sbe.gazi.edu.tr/edergi/sosdergi.htm., p. 100-101.
- Messages Sent to Discussion Boards, Forums etc by E-Mail
Abdulvahap Kara, “Kazak Mitolojisinin Dildeki Yansımalaları”, (Message: 25), 10 July 2007,
Dritan Egro, “Arnavutluk’ta Osmanlı Çalışmaları”, XIII. Türk Tarih Kongresi, Bildiriler, 4-8 October 1999, C.I, TTK publising, Ankara 2002, p. 14.
Alev Keskin, 1877-78 Osmanlı-Rus Harbi Harp Tarihi Broşürü, Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Askeri Tarih ve Stratejik Etüt Başkanlığı Publishing, Ankara 2000, p.7.
İsmet Binark, Balkan Ülkelerinin Tarihi Kaynakları Bakımından Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivlerinin Önemi, Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi Publishing, Ankara 1996
Şanlıurfa Turizm Haritası (English), Harita, Şanlıurfa Valiliği Publishing, 1983.
Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Haber Bülteni, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Publishing, Afyon 1999, p.8.
Archive name, collection name and code, file number or box number, document number.
BOA,Y.A.HUS, D:512, G:72, Belge no(lef):3.
ATASE, BHK, K:685, A:6-8288, D:5, Fil.
D. Principles to Abide By in Presentation of References
1. Surname of the author shall be at the beginning with capital letters; name with small letters.
2. Resources shall be presented in alphabetical order.
3. Page numbers shall be fully indicated for papers.
An example references is presented below:
ANHEGGER, Robert - Halil İnalcık, Kânûnnâme-i Sultânî Ber Mûceb-i ‘Örf-i ‘Osmânî, Türk Tarih Kurumu Publishing, Ankara 1956.
İLHAN, Suat, “Türk Çağdaşlaşması”, Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, VII/19, November 1990, p.7-19.
KAFADAR, Cemal, Between Two Worlds. The Construction of the Ottoman State, University of California Press, Berkeley 1995.
KARPAT, Kemal H., Ortadoğu’da Osmanlı Mirası ve Ulusçuluk (çev. Recep Boztemur), İmge Publishing, Ankara 2001.
MAYER, Kurt B. – Walter Buckley, Class and Society, Random House, New York 1969.
OLCOTT, Martha B., “The Basmachi or Freemen’s Revolt in Turkestan 1918-24”, Soviet Studies, XXXIII/3, July 1981, pp.352-369.
SANDIKLI, Atilla, Atatürk Dönemi Türk Dış Politikası Işığında Avrupa Birliği'ne Giriş Süreci, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılâp Tarihi Enstitüsü, İstanbul 2007 (Unpublished doctorate thesis).
YALÇIN, Durmuş et. al., Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi II, Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi, Ankara 2002.
E. Principles to Abide By in Using of Documents, Tables, Figures and Graphics
1. Attachments (documents), shall be presented at the end of the text and down below shall be a brief information as to the content of the document and proper citation in line with the relevant criteria.
2. Other attachments (Table, Figure and Graphics) shall be presented as Additional Table: 1, Additional Graphic: 3 and Additional Figure: 7 if indicators other than the text are too many in number; attachments shall be presented after the REFERENCES. References to these attachments in the text shall absolutely be made as Additional Table:1, Additional Graphic: 3 or Additional Figure: 7. If citation has been made for table, figure, graphic or picture, resource shall absolutely be indicated.