The Cyprus Question, which emerged in the mid-1950s, is one of the most notable disputes that pushed the boundaries of hierarchical relations between the United States (US) and Türkiye and Greece and paved the way for the reorganisation of these relations. The Question provoked a nationalist reaction in the Turkish and Greek public that questioned the dependence of these countries on US foreign policy. For this reason, the US had to demonstrate its hierarchical leadership role within the Western bloc. Within this framework, the US interfered in the domestic and foreign policy practises of both Greece and Türkiye. In this study, using the Cyprus Question as an example, the US efforts to discipline both states with various intervention techniques and to keep them in the treaty sphere in response to the efforts of Türkiye and Greece, with whom the US has made a hierarchical “treaty” by giving guarantees in the security and economic spheres, to seek autonomy in their foreign policies are analysed comparatively within the framework of the concept of hierarchy.
Keywords: Hiyerarşi, ABD, Yunanistan, Türkiye, Kıbrıs
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