In Turkey’s inter-coup period (May 27, 1960-September 12, 1980), three major social transformations took place. The first was the “generational conflict” that emerged with the generation of 68, the second was the “right-left confrontation” created by the Cold War ideology, and the third was the “identity crisis” caused by the migration from rural to urban areas. These factors also point to a social process in which cultural conflict became evident. In the academic literature, issues related to the ideological fermentation process of young people of the 68 generation and their struggle for these ideological ideas have been examined from different dimensions. However, the impact of the beard-mustache fashion, which is a subject of daily life, in the construction of political identity has been missed. The article looks for answers to research questions like that how were the beard and mustache shapes of leftist, nationalist and Islamist identities invented? What were the images and perceptions of these three political movements through their beard and mustache styles? How were mustache traditions invented as a symbol of political identity? The main purpose of the study is to reveal and problematizes how the beard-mustache fashion created a political identity on the rebellious men of the 68 generation.
Keywords: Sakal-Bıyık Modası, Siyasal Kimlik, 68 Kuşağı, Kültür Çatışması, Toplumsal Kutuplaşma
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