The Justice Party’s Approach to the EEC

The Justice Party’s Approach to the EEC

Haydar Efe , Funda Kemahlı Garipoğlu


The main purpose of this study is to reveal the approach of the Justice Party (JP) towards the European Economic Community, which has changed over time, after the closure of the Democratic Party, which inherited it, advocating the liberal economy and free market principles, and became the country’s main centre-right party by marginalizing other right-wing parties. In this framework, the policies of the party, which is one of the main actors of Turkish political life and advocated Turkey’s membership in the European Economic Community during its nearly 20-year political life, towards the EEC are analyzed in two different periods. While the period from the establishment of the party to the 1971 military intervention constitutes the first period, the second period covers the period from 1971 to the military intervention in 1980, which also led to the closure of the Justice Party. In the first period, the Justice Party gave wide coverage to the relations with the EEC in its programs, election manifestos and discourses, and made great efforts to improve relations with the EEC. When it came to power in 1965, it made significant efforts to improve relations with the EEC and to implement the Additional Protocol, which regulates from the preparatory period to the transition period. In the second period, the Justice Party, due to the increasing economic and political instability in the country, began to adopt an approach that prioritized import substitution and protection of industry, instead of advocating the principle of an open and competitive economy. During this period, the JP could not come to power alone, had to form coalition governments with parties that opposed relations with the EEC and neglected relations with the EEC.

Keywords: Adalet Partisi, Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu (AET), Türkiye- AB ilişkileri, Türk Siyasi Hayatı, Türk Merkez Sağ ve Sol Siyasi Partiler

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