Discussions About the Origins of the Rumelia Raider Family Malkocogulları and A New Claim

Discussions About the Origins of the Rumelia Raider Family Malkocogulları and A New Claim



Malkocogulları is one of the families most frequently mentioned in relation to concepts such as raid and raider in Ottoman history. The Malkocoglu Family played a role in the conquest policy of the Ottoman Empire and its military and administrative structures. In various studies on the family, apart from their administrative and military activities, their origins have been a subject of debate and claims. The different information about Malkocogulları found in sources has led to discussions in the literature. Claims have been made that the family is Turkish, descended from the Hamidogulları, the Greek Malko Family, or the Bosnian Malkovic Family. Additionally, individuals and families claiming to be from the Malkocoglu Family have influenced the scope and limitations of this study, especially in the 14th and 15th centuries. The scarcity and contradictions found in sources dating from the 19th century, as well as the challenge of confirming information provided by previous studies, pose significant problems when evaluating claims and debates about the family’s origin. In this article, the claims and discussions regarding the family’s origin are evaluated based on information from the sources. The uncertainty surrounding the identity of the first Malkoc Bey emerges as a problem parallel to the origin debates. This research attempts to determine the ancestors of Malkocogulları, while also reevaluating the information in light of new sources, beyond those on which the previous allegations were based. Thus, our study presents its own claim based on this foundation.


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