One of the most distinctive features of the 21st century has been the return of the competition of great powers to international politics. In this century, the three leading geopolitical actors and military-economic powers of the world, the United States of America, the People’s Republic of China, and the Russian Federation, found themselves in a complex power competition. In the power competition, the gap between resources and power has become a central role in the survival of the three great powers in the international system. As a result of the lateral pressure driven by the need of the three great powers to obtain, diversify and secure resources beyond their borders, global competition has started to intensify. In this study, resource and power rivalry of great powers are analyzed within the framework of lateral pressure theory developed by Nazli Choucri and Robert C. North. In this context, the international expansion of great powers and the need for resources, which are the catalysts of conflict, were emphasized.
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