Dear Journal of Gazi Academic View Readers, In our December issue, the 33rd issue of our journal, we are delighted to once again present to you a rich and diverse academic content. In this issue, we publish 19 distinguished works, including 17 research articles and 2 book reviews written by esteemed academics from the disciplines of History and International Relations. Each work has undergone thorough scrutiny by expert referees through blind reviewing and has been included in this journal issue following the final decision of our editorial board. In the first article of this issue, Olcay Özkaya and Volkan Payaslı co-authored “ Transfer of the Hatay Issue to Geneva and its Resolution Based on the Turkish Diplomatic Archive Documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1936-1939).” This article examines the Hatay issue in the light of archival documents. Müzehher Yamaç’s article, titled “The Last Acquisition of Atatürk Period Iskenderun Sanjak – Hatay,” offers a distinct perspective on the Hatay issue. Alper Alp, in his article “Kızılelma and Jadidism Movement According to Ziya Gökalp,” evaluates Ziya Gökalp’s thoughts and the concept of Kızılelma. Rahman Nurdun’s article, “The Impact of “China-Central and Eastern Europe Cooperation” and “Belt and Road Initiative” on SinoAlbanian Relations,” delves into the economic dimension of China-Albania
relations through an analysis of China’s strategic initiatives. Asaf Özkan and Hüseyin Kalemli in their article address the importance of itinerant medical practice in the fight against infectious and epidemic diseases in the Early Republic Period.” This significant topic sheds light on our medical history. Cengiz Keskin’s article, “The Problem of Sphilis and the Search for Solution in the Ottoman State Based on Celaleddin Muhtar’s ‘’Syphilis Atricles’’ Booklet” explores the issue of syphilis in the Ottoman State based on historical sources. Togay Seçkin Birbudak’s article “1908 Messina Earthquake and the Earthquake Aids of Ottoman State” examines the Ottoman State’s relief efforts in the aftermath of this historical event. Sibel Akgün, in “Diplomacy and Foreign Policy: Fatin Rüştü Zorlu and Leadership in Cyprus Policy,” analyzes the leadership style of Fatin Rüştü Zorlu, a significant figure in Turkish foreign policy, through the lens of the Cyprus issue. Mustafa Sarı and Coşkun Doğan’s co-authored article, “The Activities of the Red Crescent Society in the World War I in Sivas,” contributes valuable insights to the historical research on the Red Crescent’s activities. Murat Toman and Fikrettin Yavuz, in their article “Inevitable Choice for Survival: The Last Ottoman Grand Strategy,” provide a crucial analysis of the last Ottoman Grand Strategy. Pelin Aliyev’s article, “Charles De Gaulle’s Effect on French Politics,” delves into the impact of Charles De Gaulle on French politics. Hasan Işık’s article, “An Evaluation on the Compilation and Preservation of Mythology, Folktales, and Stories in Turkish History during the Republican Era and Their Continuation in the Present Day,” explores the preservation of cultural heritage in Turkish history. Zuhal Çalık Topuz’s article, “Analysis of Great Powers Rivalry in the Framework of Lateral
Pressure Theory,” focuses on understanding the dynamics of great power rivalry in international relations. Serkan Özer’s article, “The Image of Sultan Melikşah and the Turkish Sovereignty Concept in the Armenian Sources,”
provides a detailed examination of historical sources to understand the image of Sultan Melikşah and the Turkish sovereignty concept. Fatih Yaşar and Muharrem Doğan’s joint article, “(In)securitising post-Soviet Space through Security Policies: Russian and the Western Concerns on the Colour Revolutions in Ukraine and Georgia,” analyzes security policies in the postSoviet space during the period of color revolutions in Ukraine and Georgia. Seçil Özdemir’s article, “Mass Protests in Iran from the Tobacco Revolution to the 1970s within the Framework of Social Movement Theory,” explores mass protests in Iran from a social movement theory perspective. Müslüme Melis Savaş’s article, “The Games and Amusements in Baburids,” focuses on the entertainment culture of the Baburids. In the book review section, Leyla Aksu Kılıç reviews Bahaeddin Yediyıldız’s Türkiye’de Kültür, Üniversite ve Bilim Hayatından İzler (Traces of Culture, University, and Scientific Life in Turkey) Ömer Subaşı reviews Mustafa Uyar’s İlhanlı (İran Moğolları) Devleti’nin Askerî Teşkilatı (Ortaçağ Moğol Ordularında Gelenek ve Dönüşüm) (Military Organization of the Ilkhanate (Iran Mongols): Tradition and Transformation in Medieval Mongol Armies) We hope you will enjoy reading the articles in our 33rd issue with interest. We extend our gratitude to the authors, the peer-review team, the editorial board, and the writing committee for their contributions to the preparation of this issue. We look forward to meeting you with brand new articles in our next issue (June 2024).
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