Dear Journal of Gazi Academic View Readers,
We are happy to welcome you for the 30th time in our 15th year. Like the whole world, we are gradually leaving behind the negative conditions brought by the Covid-19 pandemic and returning to normal life conditions. In this context, after two years, we held the first face to face editorial board meeting of our journal and decided to publish seventeen valuable works. As always, the works published in this issue were scrupulously reviewed by our precious referees through blind refereeing. Among these seventeen works, which were approved by the final decision of our editorial board, there are eleven Turkish, five English articles and one book review. Seven of these articles are on history, six on the field of International Relations/Foreign Policy, two on Political Science and one on Archeology.
In our first article in the field of history, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa BOSTANCI, based on the British archive documents, evaluated the negotiations between Britain and Ibn Saud in the process leading to the signing of the Jeddah Agreement. In the article which is in the field of archeology, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kürşat KOÇAK and Prof. Dr. L. Gürkan GÖKÇEK discussed the Bilge Kağan Memorial Site excavations. In the second article of this issue in the field of history, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Feyza KURNAZ ŞAHİN discussed Turkey’s participation in exhibitions and fairs in Thessaloniki, Belgrade and Plovdiv between 1929-1943, in the context of Turkey’s activities for the development of foreign trade with the Balkan countries. In another article in the field of history, Dr. Mehmet Erkan KILLIOĞLU discusses the 1925-1926 Soviet- Afghan border dispute within the context of the Basmacı Revolt. In our first article on the field of International Relations, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Göktürk TÜYSÜZOĞLU evaluates Kosovo foreign policy in the framework of Small State Approach by applying to the neoclassical realism theory of International Relations. In another article on the field of International Relations/Foreign Policy, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gültekin K. BİRLİK discusses the foreign policy implemented by Turkey during the Spanish civil war as an example of the implementation of the Peace Principle in the foreign policy of Atatürk period. In another article in the field of history, Dr. Züriye Oruç discusses Seferiyye Hatun, a Seljuk Hatun of concubine origin. In another article in the field of History/Economic History, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özgur TEOMAN and Dr. Cumali BOZPİNAR discuss the development of the silk industry in Ottoman Bursa with the Periodic Analysis method. In another article of our journal in the field of History, research assistant Ahmet İlker BAŞ discusses the structure of farms and production activities in Ruse, through the income books and farm transfer records, as well as the motivations that are effective in farm sales. In another article from the field of International Relations, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayça EMİNOĞLU and research assistant Bahar KÖSE evaluate the potential of Liberal Peacebuilding and traditional Conflict Resolution approaches to create a hybrid peace model through the example of Ubuntu. In another article in the field of history, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu KURT, examines the illegal arms trade based in the Southern Marmara Islands during the Second Constitutional Era, and also discusses the attempts of the Ottoman political and administrative authorities to prevent this trade. In another article on International Relations/Foreign Policy, Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmail AKDOĞAN and research assistant Furkan POLAT discuss Turkey’s changing engagement in the Middle East during the AKP Era. In another article from the field of International Relations, Prof. Dr. Sertif DEMİR and Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Dilek KOÇAK analyze the rise and decline of Globalization. In his article on Political Science, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oktay BİNGÖL analyzes the failure of the Peace Process with the PKK (2013-2015) in the context of the Ripeness Theory. In another article from the field of International Relations, Dr. Bahar ÖZSOY, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esra Banu SİPAHİ and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yusuf SAYIN discuss Turkey›s role in the context of energy policies and global competition in Central Asia. In the last of the research articles, which is from the field of International Relations. Dr. Dilek Canyurt analyzes Hafez Assad’s decisions in the context of Prospect Theory. Lastly, Dr. Arda Özkan reviewed Michael E. Smith’s book “International Security” for this issue of our Journal.
Dear Journal of Gazi Academic View readers, we hope that you will read the articles in our 30th issue with great interest. We would like to thank the authors, the reviewers, the editorial board and the for their contribution to this issue. We hope to meet you in our next issue.
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