Dear Journal of Gazi Academic View readers,
We are happy to reach you with the 29th issue in the 14th year of our journal. We have become stronger each passing year since the first day of our journey in 2007. As we proceed with firm steps towards our 15th year, we are proud to see that our journal has become one of the most important publications of the Turkish social sciences community. Besides its success in Turkey, Journal of Gazi Academic View also has an international reputation. Our journal has been indexed by the Emerging Sciences Citation Index, one of the Web of Science indexes, for a long time. We have set being accepted to the Art and Humanities Citation Index, one of the 3 prestigious indexes in the Web of Science Core Collection as a target for our journal. In line with this goal, we continue our work meticulously. In line with this goal, we continue our work with great devotion.
There are 17 articles in this issue. 10 of them are in the field of History, 5 of them are in the field of International Relations, and the remaining two are in the fields of Political Science and Philosophy. The articles went through a blind peer review process and published with the final decision of our editorial board.
Hale Şıvgın and Mehmet Batuhan Çeken in their article entitled “Two Separate Portraits in the Armenian Question: Patriarch Horen Aşıkyan and Patriarch Mateos İzmirliyan” discuss the differences between Patriarch Horen Ashekyan, who was a supporter of the state and had a calming attitude towards the Armenian rebellion movements in the Ottoman Empire, and Mateos İzmirliyan, who had the opposite.
Bülent Cırık in his article entitled “A Report Submitted to Sultan Abdulhamid II on the Armenian Committees and Their Activities (1895)” discusses the report about the Armenian committees presented to Sultan Abdulhamid on February 4, 1895, which was also thought to be converted into a book as a response to the Armenian propaganda.
Tülin Cengiz in her article entitled “ Female Representations from Venus Figurines to Idols” discusses the female representations in the Venus figurines of the Upper Paleolithic Age.
Mehmet Güneş in his article entitled “ A Short Life Dedicated to Fighting Syphilis in the Ottoman State: Nuri Ömer Efendi, Traveling Syphilis PhysiEditorial
cian of Hüdavendigar Province” discusses Nuri Ömer Efendi who was one of the traveling physicians operating in various regions of the country in the fight against syphilis in the early 20th century.
Emel Demir Görür in her article entitled “Grand Vizier, (Little/Kutchuk) Mehmed Said Pasha as a Refuge in the British Embassy (1895)” discusses the incident of Mehmed Said Pasha’s taking refuge in the British Embassy.
Sinan Yüksel in his article entitled “Wallachian Voivodeship of Nikola Mavroyani (1786-1790)” discusses the struggle of Nikola Mavroyani both to obtain the office of Wallachian Voivodeship and to maintain this office once obtained.
İbrahim Tavukçu in his article entitled “Reflections of the Battles of İnönü on Internal Public Opinion” discusses the effects of the Battle of İnönü, one of the important battles of the Turkish War of Independence, on the domestic public.
Ferit Salim Sanlı in his article entitled “Bülent Ecevit and Anti-Communism During His Journalism Years (1950-1961)” discusses the journalistic activities of Bülent Ecevit, one of the important figures of Turkish political history, and his ideas on the fight against communism.
Hüsnü Yücekaya in his article entitled “Traces of Pre-Ottoman Sericulture in Relation to Ottoman-Era Sericulture of Edirne” discusses the sericulture production activities of the Edirne province in the Ottoman period.
Tuğba Çiçek, Yunus Emre Taşgit and Zülkif Dağlı in their article entitled “Do East and West unite in the Context of Management Philosophy? Hermeneutical Assessment via Ghazali and Machiavelli” compares the views of Ghazali and Machiavell including their experiences on successful management, and examines the situation / possibility of the Eastern and Western view points in the context of management philosophy.
Hüsna Taş Yetim and Ali Balcı in their article entitled “Why Subordinate States Quest for Autonomy? Explaining the Crisis in Turkish-American Relations during the 1964-1975 Period” identify the causes of Turkey’s quest for autonomy within the US-led system from 1964 to 1975 by applying the concepts and arguments of the hierarchy theory, which is relatively new in the field of international relations.”
Sinan Demirdüzen and Merve Suna Özel Özcan in their article entitled “Effects of State Support on Violent Non-State Actors: Support of the United States and the Case of Syrian Civil War as an Exemplar to Surrogate Warfare” examine how and to what degree states give foreign aids to non-state actor and reveal the underlying reason behind the foreign aid to non-state actors.
Eda Durmuş in her article entitled “Military Tactics of the Ancient Turks and Their Application on the Battlefield” examines the war tactics of the ancient Turks and their applications on the battlefield.
Sevilay Özer in her article entitled “Antalya in the 1950 and 1954 General Elections” discusses the general elections held in 1950 and 1954 in Antalya.
Serpil Güdül in her article entitled “ The Cold War Strategy of the United States of America Within the Framework of the NSC-68 and Its Reflections on Turkey” discusses the US attempts to curb the USSR influence in Central and
Eastern Europe and partially in the Balkans. In this regard the article analysis the report 68 , one of the most significant documents of the Cold War and its implications on Turkey.
Özge Özkoç in her article entitled “The Israeli Settlement Policy in the West Bank and USA’s Peace Initiatives on the Palestinian Question: Is the Two-State Solution Still Possible?” discusses whether it is possible to solve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which is one of the longest historical problems of the Middle East, within the context of a two-state solution.
Finally Ceren Uysal Oğuz and E. Nur Sezek in their article entitled “ Peacebuilding Process in Post-Civil Conflict Colombia” examine the peace process in Colombia within the framework of some quesitons on the six main articles of the agreement signed between the Colombian state and the FARC in 2016.
We hope that you read the articles in our 29th issue with great interest. We would like to thank the authors, referees, and the editorial board who contributed to this issue. Hope to meet you on June 2022 with our 30. Issue.
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