Council of State as a Regulatory Institution of the Tanzimat Reforms in Ottoman State (1868-1876)

Council of State as a Regulatory Institution of the Tanzimat Reforms in Ottoman State (1868-1876)



The process of building modern-central state instruments of the Ottoman State emerged as an official state policy, especially from the 1830s, with the period of Sultan Mahmud II. The modernization project he initiated was formulated under the name of Tanzimat Firman. The first effect of the reforms brought mby the Tanzimat on bureaucratic institutions is the establishment of various councils to provide councillor and expertise support to Sublime Porte/Bab-ı Âli, the main administrative apparatus. The Supreme Council of Judicial Ordinances/Meclis-i Vâlâ-yı Ahkam-ı Adliye, which was established just before the Tanzimat and even contributed to the determination of the principles of the Tanzimat, is the first product of this perceptive. Within the framework of the efforts of the Tanzimat bureaucracy to establish a rational, mfast and effective management system, this institutional structure has also been subjected to continuous
transformations and reforms. In the end, in 1868, it was seen that the modernization process was not beneficial to carry out under a single roof and the Supreme Council evolved into a dual structure system. At the end of this division, which was carried out on the principle of separation of powers in a sense, the Council of State responsible for administrative affairs and the Divan-ı Ahkam-ı Adliye, which was mresponsible for dealing with judicial matters, emerged.

Keywords: Şura-yı Devlet, Tanzimat, Osmanlı Modernleşmesi, Kuvvetler Ayrılığı, Meclis

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