The Problematic of the United Nations Security Council Reform: Expectations and Strategies of Italy

The Problematic of the United Nations Security Council Reform: Expectations and Strategies of Italy

Ömer ÇOLAK , İ̇smail KÖSE


The United Nations (UN) is the most important international organization of today’s international
system. Despite UN’s unchallengeable role in international relations, there is a worldwide expectation
that UN will produce solid solutions towards general problems. The Security Council (UNSC), which
acts as executive mechanism of the UN, is the part that is expected to receive highest share from these
changes. There is no doubt that actors requesting a number of changes towards the structure of the
Council are whose outside of existing permanent status of the structure. In particular, the demands for
the expansion of the permanent membership quota of the group of four, consisting of Brazil, Germany, India and Japan, have encouraged their regional rivals to pursue their policies to create their group. Due
to the possibility of obtaining permanent membership which of Argentina against Brazil, of Italy against
Germany, of Pakistan against India and of South Korea against Japan is very low in a possible permanent membership expansion, it is seen that those states because of their incapacity trying to prevent their
rivals to be permanent members. Especially Italy is one of the leading states to develop the most effective
policies and reform proposals towards reforming of the UNCS. Italy’s intensive monitoring of developments in the Council’s reform process and making an intensive effort towards not stay out of a possible
reform initiative is primarily due to concerns about decline of the importance of Italy’s regional equation.

Keywords: Birleşmiş Milletler, Güvenlik Konseyi, Reform, İtalya, Uzlaşma için Birlik

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