Dear readers of Gazi Academic View,
Gazi Academic View is honored to reach its 12th year and 24th issue. A short time after our journal started to be published, it was included in important scientific indexes in the world including EBSCO, CEEOL, DOAJ, INDEX COPERNICUS, INDEX ISLAMICUS, TÜBİTAK-ULAKBİM, IMB, ASOS, PROQUEST, MLA INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY, SERIALS SOLUTIONS ve TÜBİTAK DERGİ PARK. Most recently in 2015, it was included in ESCI and WEB of SCIENCE by Thomson Reuters which currently indexes the top scientific publications.
Our journal publishes articles on history, international relations and political sciences. In 2018, a total of 54 articles have been received. 17 were rejected after editor’s check and peer review. 16 were published in 22nd and 23rd issues. 21 articles are still waiting to be processed. In May 2019 a total of 20 articles were received. 6 of them were rejectred after editorial control and peer review. 14 is still being processed
This issue has 15 articles. 5 is on international relations and political sciences, 10 is on history. On of the history articles is on ancient history and the rest is on Ottoman and Republic history. International relations and political sciences articles are on Iran, Russia, Palestine and Cyprus. The articles of Issue 24 are as follows:
The first article on international relations and political sciences is Uğur Güngör’s “Terrorism Strategy or Strategies of Terrorism?”. This article discusses the reltionship between goals, strategy and tactics of terrorism. Bora Bayraktar’s “The Palestinian Question in Turkish Foreign Policy from 1990s to 2010s” is on Turkey’s policy on palestine since 1960s and discusses the changes that took place in 2000s. Engin Sune’s “The Role of Para-Governmental and Paramilitary Organizations in the International Political Economy of Iran” discusses the role of Iranian paramilitary organizations on the economy. Fatma Aslı Kelkitli’s “Russia’s Caspian Policy: Efforts to Hold Ground in a Contested Region” discusses Russia’s policy on the Caspian Sea and the rivalry between Iran and Russia. Hüseyin Işıksal’s “Dilemmas of the Contradictory EU Membership of the Republic of Cyprus and Turkey-EU Relations” is on the EU membership of Southern Cyprus and its effects on Turkey.
The history articles are as folows: “The Treaty of July 12, 1947 in Turkish-American Relations and Its Effects on Turkish Political Life” by İhsan Ömer Atagenç and Nuri Gökhan Toprak discusses Turkey’s policy against the USSR after the Treaty of July 12, 1947. Fatih Tuğluoğlu’s “1961 Constitution Referendum and Democrat Party Electoral Body” is on how the electoral body of the Democrat Party viewed the new constitution that was prepared after the military coup of 27 May 1960. Tuğba Belenli’s “Unidentified Submarine Attacks in the Mediterranean and the Nyon Conference (1937)” is about uniedntified submarine attacks that took place in the Mediterranean between May-September 1937 and the Nyon Conference to prevent further attacks. Sadık Sarısaman’s “Bringing Electricity to Afyonkarahisar During the First Years of the Republic” is about the social policies of the republic in its early years. Nuri Yavuz’s and İbrahim İslah’s “The Turkish Military Cemetery at Malta” is about the history of the military cemetery in Malta which was built in 1874 by Sultan Abdülaziz.
This issue includes a biographic study on Ömer Karaş, written by Seyfi Yıldırım, Nazgul Saburgaliyeva ve Baktyly Boranbayeva under the title, “An Important Name in Kazakhstan Jadidism Movement a Cleric: Qmar Karaş, Life and Activities (1875–1921)”. Mehmet Yetişgin’s “Some Considerations about the Ottoman Administration and Disintegrations in the Balkans in the 19th Century” is about the uprisings by minorities in the Balkans during the final years of Ottoman reign. Muhammet Şahin’s “Industrialızation Activities in the Ottoman Empire After the Tanzimat Reform Era” is about the economic events in 19th century Ottoman Empire. Mehmet Demiryürek’s “The Trustees of the Hala Sultan Foundation in Cyprus in 18th and 19th Centuries” is about the activities of Ottoman foundations in Cyprus. The last article in the issue is Nursel Aslantürk’s “Hattian God Mentioned in Hittite Texts: “Šımmıšu/Šımešu/ Šımšu/Šımıšu” is about Hittite deities.
We are grateful to you, the readers of Gazi Academic View, the authors who contribute with their articles which are all products of rigorous and hard work, our editors, our desk editor, our publication board, our communications staff, our editorial board, our advisory board, our representatives abroad and our reviewers who througly review the articles that are sent to them. We hope to meet you again in our later issues which we hope to be even better.
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