Dear readers of Gazi Academic View, “Science is to know the known facts, to detect the unknown and to turn an unknown into a known fact.” Our journal reached its 23rd issue, with its objective of spreading scientific knowledge. This issue contains 12 articles. 5 of them are on political sciences and international relations, 5 on history and 2 on history of education and science. 4 articles are about the Ottoman era. The remaining articles are on Republican era diplomacy, politics, immigration, universities and educational policies. One article is on border documents which are the primary documents of international relations during the Ottoman era. Four of the articles are on Cyprus. Muharrem Ekşi and Mehmet Seyfettin Erol analyze Turkey’s public diplomacy and soft power during the Justice and Development Party era. On a parallel w,th this article, Derya Büyüktanır analyzes the public diplomacy applied by TÜSİAD and MÜSİAD. Segâh Tekin wrote about the progression of Turkish-Brazilian relationships since 2006. The diplomatic, economic, social and cultural relationships between two countries imporved since then. Both countries became part of Tehran Declaration and Alliance of Civilizations, thus contributing to world peace. Great Middle East Project, designed by the US, led to a crisis in the Middle East since 2012. The civil war in Syria forced millions of Syrian refugees flee to Turkey. Derya Bakbak wrote about the Container Camps of Syrian refugees in Turkey. Ferit Salim Sanlı wrote an important historical study on the activities of so-called “14’ers” who were a part of 27 May 1960 Coup but purged later on. Among the historical articles, Mustafa Alkan wrote and claimed that Ottoman historical geography can be written again in light of border documents, archival records and borders between individual homes, neighbourhoods, villages, sanjaks, provinces and countries. A book was previously published with the title: “Long Live the Sultan”. Said Olgun wrote with the same title, about the birthday celebrations of Abdulhamid II. Mesut Karakulak and Halim Kılıç wrote about the steam ships operating in coastal Cyprus and the lighthouses that guide them. Ali Efsal Özkul wrote about a less touched subject, the butchers in the Ottoman era, according to Şeriyye Records of Cyprus. Demet Beton Kalmaz and Nuri Giritli wrote about TRNC’s economic growth in light of TRNC records and offer ways of stable growth in the future. Fahri Atasoy wrote about Editorial
the recent policies on universities and science. Describing universities as a social institution, he analyzes the scientific thought in Turkey. Hikmet Öksüz and Ülkü Köksal discuss the modernizaiton attempts in education during the Ataturk era and draw a picture of Turkey’s educational policies according to American archive records. In our first ever issue that was published in 2007, we set our goals, by stating: “Our journal aims to broaden the horizons of the people, who rule the Republic of Turkey and plan for its feature, by a scholary approach to the past, present and the future. Gazi Academic View aims to add to te already insufficient literature regarding Turkey, other countries in our region and the plans ofn the great powers about the region. We look forward to the contribution of domestic and international academics.” Our 23rd issue, which marks our 12th year, is a satisfying publication in accorardance to our founding principals. Our journal is being followed and being benefitted of in Turkey, around the world and in the higher echelons of our government. A short time after our journal started to be published, it was included in important scientific indexes in the world including EBSCO, CEEOL, DOAJ, INDEX COPERNICUS, INDEX ISLAMICUS, TÜBİTAK-ULAKBİM, IMB, ASOS, PROQUEST, MLA INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY, SERIALS SOLUTIONS ve TÜBİTAK DERGİ PARK. Most recently in 2015, it was included in ESCI and WEB of SCIENCE by Thomson Reuters which currently indexes the top scientific publications. Because of our journal’s success, we are grateful to you, the readers of Gazi Academic View, the authors who contribute with their articles which are all products of rigorous and hard work, our editors, our desk editor, our publication board, our communications staff, our editorial board, our advisory board, our representatives abroad and our reviewers who througly review the articles that are sent to them. We hope to meet you again in our later issues which we hope to be even better.
Sincerely Editors
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