The Problems Faced in the Teaching of the Atatürk Principles and Revolution History Course (A Gazi University Example)

The Problems Faced in the Teaching of the Atatürk Principles and Revolution History Course (A Gazi University Example)

Bülent Akbaba


The Ataturk Principles and Revolution History course is a compulsory course in the higher education institutions. There are some problems faced in the Ataturk Principles and Revolution History course which aims to introduce and evaluate the principles and revolutions of Ataturk who is the founder of the Republic to explain in which conditions the republic was established and the continuation of the republic to the youth. In this study, the student views of the problems faced in Gazi University students’ of the Ataturk Principles and Revolution History course were aimed to be identified. 

Keywords: Atatürk İlkeleri; İnkılâp Tarihi; sorunlar; öğrenci görüşleri

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