In the study, Colonel Talat Aydemir’s two interferences of coup and his adjudication period after second coup interference are inspected. In the study, first interference of coup on the date 22 February 1962 and second interference of coup on the date 21 May 1963 are determined under different parts and beside this, Aydemir’s adjudication in the context of military-civil relations is explained. With this study, it is aimed to enlighten the events of Aydemir’s and his friends’ interferences of military rebellion which have been placed in diary-books for years, by scanning historaical documents and cross reading.
Keywords: Talat Aydemir; Fethi Gürcan; 22 Şubat Darbesi; 21 Mayıs Darbesi; ordu; 27 Mayıs askeri müdahalesi; demokrasi.
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