Turkish-Russian Relations During the Lausanne Conference With Archieve Documents

Turkish-Russian Relations During the Lausanne Conference With Archieve Documents

Mihail Serafimoviç Meyer


In this article Russian Turcologist M. S. Meyer represents the beginning process of Turkish- Soviet Russian relations based on arshive documents. The facts that happened after two country recognised each other are explained in this article. The dialogues beginning after sending missions, gets up to such level that some Turkish senators introducing their thoughts about the acceptance of the communist regime. In the article M. S. Meyer is analysing Turkish and Soviet rapproshment, mutual solidarity and the progress of relationship between two counries. According to Russian historians the Turkish governments attitudes to the Soviet Russia has changed during The Lausanne Conference. Frendly relations goes down after negative attitudes of Russian official of Cheka to Turkish consulate employee and after negative propagandas of some turkish politicians against the Soviet Russia. Relations between two countries thoroughly change direction after Turkish government got closer to western countries. Soviet Russian politicians have also a great effect on this result. 

Keywords: Türk-Rus İlişkileri; Lozan Konferansı; Mustafa Kemal; Enver Paşa; Bolşevik.

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