The Economic Evaluation of Manas Epic Poem

The Economic Evaluation of Manas Epic Poem

Diren Çakmak


In the study, the economic evaluation of Manas Epic Poem is inspected. In the literature of economic history, the usage of works from folk literature with the aim to understand the economic events in the history, is a widespreadly used method. However, the difference of this study is the reading of the work from folk literature in itself. In the study, Weber’s and Sombart’s views are used theoretically and content analysis is used as a research method. With the study, the economic mentality hinted by Manas Epic Poem is determined, the economic and social life in the Epic Poem is explained and the hero of the Epic Poem,Manas Han’s views about ownership are illuminated. It is thought that the study is original, considering the fact that economic reading of the Epic Poem has been realized for the first time. 

Keywords: Manas Han; Eski Türkler; Kırgız toplumu; ilkel toplum; kapitalizm; sınıf.

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