The Amnesty Implementations of II. Constitutional Monarchy Period

The Amnesty Implementations of II. Constitutional Monarchy Period

Taner Aslan


One of the most significant advantages of the II. Constitutional Monarchy is the grant of the freedoms. The Committee Of Union And Progress enabled a general amnesty and issued the freedom rights for the prisoners of the preceding period. However this narrowly extended amnesty brought about a reaction inside and outside the country, and the government enlarged the extent of the amnesty in order to prevent this reaction and to regain the trust of the society. The political crimes, ordinary crimes as well as those who had ended up one third of their penalties were included in the scope of the amnesty. In some cases it was observed that some of those are with major crimes also made use of the amnesty, which removed the objectivity of the amnesty. In the research the amnesty law and those who benefited from the law were studied. 

Keywords: Af; Genel Af; Siyasi Suç; Adi Suç; Mahkum.

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