A Newly-Recovered Firman (Royal Decree) Dated 1548 Repealing Kanuni’s Cash Vaqf Ban

A Newly-Recovered Firman (Royal Decree) Dated 1548 Repealing Kanuni’s Cash Vaqf Ban

Mehmet Gel


The Cash Vaqf application considered as legal till that time within the Ottoman system towards the midlle of the sixteenth century has been banned by Suleiman the Magnificient in line with the request of Civizade as the Kazasker of Rumeli of the era. However, Suleiman renounced this decision of his after a short while as it caused a serious unrest for the senior ulamas and society and in 1548 issued a new order stating that the cash vaqf is free to do as it is in the past. In this study Suleiman’s order of repealing the cash vaqf ban has been discussed in consideration of a newly recovered one, which we determined.

Keywords: Para Vakfı Yasağı; Kanûnî; Hükm-i Şerîf; 1548.

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