Hamdullah Suphi Tanriöver And Gagauz

Hamdullah Suphi Tanriöver And Gagauz

Nuri Yavuz


Hamdullah Suphi Tanriöver successfully had been the head of “Türk Ocagi” for many years and he left a serious impact on Turkish youth with his strong rhetoric. He was a member of very famous family who raised important thinkers and artists. He was born 1886 and died 1966 in Istanbul. He had been a head of “Turk Ocagi” successfully between 1912-1932. He had been an eyes, ears and conscience of of Turkish people outside Turkey. In 1931 with the decision of the Council of Ministers he appointed as first class ambassador to Bucharest and he maintained this position till 1944. In meantime, he closely interested in Turkish people in Romania and Bulgaria. As a first job he brought majority of Gagauz girls and boys to Turkey. Then he led to place them into first, middle and high schools. He traveled Gagauz Turkish towns and villages in Bessarabia and in this region he contributed the opening of 26 schools giving education in Turkish language. He obtained teachers appointment to these schools and brought the textbooks from Turkey for these schools. He also provided an education for 30-40 Gagauz youth in various schools in Turkey. Tanriöver’s one of the services in Romania is with special personal effort he led to open a large Turkish martyrdom in Bucharest 6th June in 1935. For over 13 years and after representing the Republic of Turkey in Romania he returned home 5th December 1944.

Keywords: Hamdullah Suphi Tanrıöver; Türk Ocağı; Romanya; Bulgaristan; Gagavuz.

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