Re-Thinking The Organizations In The Process Of Globalization

Re-Thinking The Organizations In The Process Of Globalization

Nilüfer Erol


It is a common claim that the modern world has entered into the globalisation era. Although not completely in almost all areas of social life is affected by the globalisation process: it is seen that culture, policy, economy and social relations are changing by this process. Today changes in communication, transportation and computer technologies has acceleratedthis process. Globally moving money is reorganizing the business, eliminating the rules and ignores localand national policies. Although globalisation causes some discomfort and irregularities, at the same time it creates new markets and wealth. In this study the concept of globalisationand its impact on organisations and management are examined.

Keywords: Küreselleşme; Örgütler; Modernite; Yönetim; Değişim

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