Meeting The Needs of the Ottoman Empire Palace : “Supply of Snow and Ice”

Meeting The Needs of the Ottoman Empire Palace : “Supply of Snow and Ice”

Mustafa Nuri Türkmen


How did the needs such as ice and snow and cooling food and water supply in the Ottoman Empire? What kind of standards were formed for the snow pits and how were these snow pits run? Who were the officiers that dealt with this job at Topkapi Palace? How were ice and snow distributed and to whom were they disributed at the palace? Since ice and snow were used to cool food and water, some standardizations were formed to provide necessary hygiene. Becasue this job was a sector, it was done for a living by a lot of people. In this paper, with the help of archive sources, we will both handle subjects of spaces, supply, transport,prize and regulation of the functioning of snow and ice and try to find out their prevalence in terms of tradesmen and consumption. 

Keywords: Kar; Buz; Kar kuyusu; Karcıbaşı; Buzcubaşı

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