Influence of Political Culture upon the Turkish Foreign Policy: Evolution of Kemalist Political Culture

Influence of Political Culture upon the Turkish Foreign Policy: Evolution of Kemalist Political Culture

Ertan Efegil


Political culture contains the rules, understandings and principles related to the process of political life. Especially with the effect of political socialization, the leaders internalize the political culture, mediating between political culture and foreign policy. Turkish political culture has also considerable effect upon the Turkish foreign policy. Kemalist political culture played an influentical effect upon determination of Turkish foreign policy between 1923 and 1950. But, in the course of time fundamental elements of the Kemalist political culture are reinterpreted by the political elites. Justice and Development Party, while respecting the orthodox Kemalist political culture, made concrete contributions to the evolution process of the Kemalist political culture similar to those of President Ozal. JD Party on the one hand reinterpreted the elements of the Kemalist political culture, including Westernization, secularism, nationalism and strong state mentality in favor of the Ozal’s concerns, on the other hand strictly went away from the National Outlook of Necmettin Erbakan. JD Party’s interpretation of political culture has had considerable impact upon the current government’s foreign policy.

Keywords: Siyasal Kültür; Kemalizm; Batılılaşma; Laiklik; Milliyetçilik; Güvenlik-Merkezli Dış Politika; Türk Dış Politikası

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