Afghanistan Transition and Perspectives beyond 2014

Afghanistan Transition and Perspectives beyond 2014

Mehmet Seyfettin Erol , Oktay Bingöl


Afghanistan, which has became the focal point of the global power struggle after the 9/11, is on the verge of a new era with Obama’s new Afghanistan-Pakistan (AfPak) strategy prepared in 2009. With this new strategy, the aim of nation and state building, and establishment of democracy in Afghanistan was given up. Instead, it is emphasized that there is a need to enhance Afghan Government’s capacity, attach the international actors and the regional countries to the problem and need for political solution by reconciling Taliban. As a result, this brings with it a debate about the justification of occupation and the stage that has been achieved. Therefore, in this study, some predictions will be made about 2014 and after in the context of the current situation in transition process, the overall security situation in Afghanistan, probable developments in the process leading to 2014, and the new roles of U.S. and NATO. And also, approaches to enhance stability in Afghanistan at the level of actors-dynamics, regional organizations aims to solve new problems those are likely to occur after 2014, and suggestions about how to construct new security and cooperation mechanisms will be discussed. 

Keywords: Yeni AfPak Stratejisi; Geçiş; Güvenlik Sorumluluğu; Afgan Güvenlik Kuvvetleri; Afganlaşma

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