The Role of Human Capital on Organizational Change

The Role of Human Capital on Organizational Change

Mustafa H. Paksoy , Dilek B. Özbezek


Industrial relations together with the social and economic developments have experienced substantial changes through a transformation process from the industrial society to the information society. The most important underlying reason for this transition is the rapid changes in information technologies. These technologies affect organizations and require them to change as much as they change and affect everyday of life. Because globalization, gained momentum with technological innovations and the disappearance of borders in all areas in global markets have led organizations to look for new ways to survive and thus, organizations should follow new oppurtunites and make changes in their structures to keep up with the developments. Otherwise, they would fail to realize their goals and targets, and ultimately they would disappear. Consequently, change is a indisputable fact in today’s world forces organizations to produce financial and physical capital, human capital effectiveness, and the result is directly proportional to the effectiveness and competence. The purpose of this study, is to change and establish a correlation of human capital literature, especially in the first degree of change which is required to perform a successful express ability or power to examine the human capital literature. In this research, after emphasized on which reasons these changes stem from, and on their characteristics, it was debated over the importance of role of human capital in the organizational change process and the situations which makes the change needed. In today’s world that is questioned the role of knowledge- based society and knowledge is more important than ever, the capital of human has been accepted as a driving force in the process of change and renewal of old buildings.

Keywords: Örgüt; Değişim; Örgütsel Değişim; Beşeri Sermaye

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