The First World War in the Novels

The First World War in the Novels

Bilge Ercilasun


There is an increase in the amount of the historical novels in Turkish Literature since 1990. This increase has accelerated during the 2000s. Some of these novels are on the World War I era, and some of them focus on the individual fronts of the war. Çanakkale and Sarikamis fronts are the most important ones among these fronts. There are around 60 novels on the Çanakkale front, and some 25 novels on the Sarikamis front. This article focuses on the WWI novels in the Turkish Literature. Especially three novels are evaluated in detail. These novels are as follows: 1. 58 Gün, Mustafa Kemal ile Filistin’den Anayurdun Daglarina (58 Days – From Palestine to the Homeland together with Mustafa Kemal), Mustafa Yildirim, 2. Azap Günlerinde Harput-Yemen-Sarikamis (Harput-Yemen-Sarikamis: Painful Days), Zekeriyya Bican, 3. Paylasilamayan Topraklar (Lands That Cannot be Left), M. Talât Uzunyaylali.

Keywords: Belgesel roman; tarihî roman; Çanakkale; Sarıkamış; Mustafa Kemal; Filistin; Ermeniler

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